House 22 Green Lodge

23 Ma Fung Ling Road, Yuen Long

The Building

Median Sale: 998 sqft

Median Gross: 1,334 sqft

Floors: 3

Units In Building: 3

Built: 06/2007

Estimate/Sale Sq ft: $10,251

Group 14

TrueHome Estimate for All Units

FloorHOUSE 22
Floor2-3/FHOUSE 22$14.43m
Floor1/FHOUSE 22$10.2m
FloorG/FHOUSE 22$9.45m

Median TrueHome Estimateā„¢

Recent Sales in Building

UnitDateSale PriceSaleable Sqft$/Saleable Sqft
UnitDate08/2017Sale Price$9,400,000Saleable Sqft968$/Saleable Sqft$9,711
UnitDate06/2012Sale Price$5,780,000Saleable Sqft998$/Saleable Sqft$5,792
UnitDate04/2011Sale Price$8,950,000Saleable Sqft1,361$/Saleable Sqft$6,576
UnitDate05/2010Sale Price$7,120,000Saleable Sqft968$/Saleable Sqft$7,355

Made with in Hong Kong by Joe & Guy.