Block B Tung Fat Building

21-61 Kam Ping Street, North Point

The Building

Median Sale: 556 sqft

Median Gross: 650 sqft

Floors: 16

Units In Building: 118

Built: 02/1964

Estimate/Sale Sq ft: $12,928

Group 14

TrueHome Estimate for All Units

FloorFLAT B1 (NO. 29)FLAT B2 (NO. 31)FLAT B3 (NO. 33)FLAT B4 (NO. 35)FLAT B5 (NO. 29A)FLAT B6 (NO. 31A)FLAT B7 (NO. 33A)FLAT B8 (NO. 35A)
Floor15/FFLAT B1 (NO. 29)$7.26mFLAT B2 (NO. 31)FLAT B3 (NO. 33)FLAT B4 (NO. 35)FLAT B5 (NO. 29A)FLAT B6 (NO. 31A)FLAT B7 (NO. 33A)FLAT B8 (NO. 35A)$7.26m
Floor14/FFLAT B1 (NO. 29)$7.22mFLAT B2 (NO. 31)FLAT B3 (NO. 33)FLAT B4 (NO. 35)FLAT B5 (NO. 29A)FLAT B6 (NO. 31A)$6.58m
Floor13/FFLAT B1 (NO. 29)$5.08mFLAT B2 (NO. 31)$4.93mFLAT B3 (NO. 33)$5.08mFLAT B4 (NO. 35)$5.08mFLAT B5 (NO. 29A)FLAT B6 (NO. 31A)$6.52mFLAT B7 (NO. 33A)$7.16mFLAT B8 (NO. 35A)$7.16m
Floor12/FFLAT B1 (NO. 29)$7.18m
Floor11/FFLAT B1 (NO. 29)$6.08mFLAT B2 (NO. 31)$5.85mFLAT B3 (NO. 33)$6.08mFLAT B4 (NO. 35)$6.08mFLAT B5 (NO. 29A)FLAT B6 (NO. 31A)FLAT B7 (NO. 33A)$7.18mFLAT B8 (NO. 35A)$7.18m
Floor10/FFLAT B1 (NO. 29)$6.05mFLAT B2 (NO. 31)$5.84mFLAT B3 (NO. 33)FLAT B4 (NO. 35)FLAT B5 (NO. 29A)FLAT B6 (NO. 31A)$6.54mFLAT B7 (NO. 33A)FLAT B8 (NO. 35A)$7.18m
Floor9/FFLAT B1 (NO. 29)$7.18mFLAT B2 (NO. 31)FLAT B3 (NO. 33)FLAT B4 (NO. 35)FLAT B5 (NO. 29A)FLAT B6 (NO. 31A)$6.52mFLAT B7 (NO. 33A)FLAT B8 (NO. 35A)$7.18m
Floor8/FFLAT B1 (NO. 29)$6.52mFLAT B2 (NO. 31)$6.77mFLAT B3 (NO. 33)FLAT B4 (NO. 35)FLAT B5 (NO. 29A)$7.18mFLAT B6 (NO. 31A)$6.48mFLAT B7 (NO. 33A)$7.18mFLAT B8 (NO. 35A)$7.18m
Floor7/FFLAT B1 (NO. 29)$7.53mFLAT B2 (NO. 31)$7.4mFLAT B3 (NO. 33)FLAT B4 (NO. 35)$7.53mFLAT B5 (NO. 29A)FLAT B6 (NO. 31A)FLAT B7 (NO. 33A)$7.18m
Floor6/FFLAT B1 (NO. 29)$8mFLAT B2 (NO. 31)FLAT B3 (NO. 33)FLAT B4 (NO. 35)FLAT B5 (NO. 29A)FLAT B6 (NO. 31A)$6.47mFLAT B7 (NO. 33A)$7.18mFLAT B8 (NO. 35A)$7.18m
Floor5/FFLAT B1 (NO. 29)$6.47mFLAT B2 (NO. 31)FLAT B3 (NO. 33)FLAT B4 (NO. 35)FLAT B5 (NO. 29A)FLAT B6 (NO. 31A)FLAT B7 (NO. 33A)$7.18mFLAT B8 (NO. 35A)$7.18m
Floor4/FFLAT B1 (NO. 29)$9.34mFLAT B2 (NO. 31)FLAT B3 (NO. 33)$9.34mFLAT B4 (NO. 35)$9.34mFLAT B5 (NO. 29A)$7.18m
Floor3/FFLAT B1 (NO. 29)$8.38mFLAT B2 (NO. 31)FLAT B3 (NO. 33)$9.34mFLAT B4 (NO. 35)FLAT B5 (NO. 29A)FLAT B6 (NO. 31A)FLAT B7 (NO. 33A)$7.18m
Floor2/FFLAT B1 (NO. 29)$9.34mFLAT B2 (NO. 31)FLAT B3 (NO. 33)$9.34mFLAT B4 (NO. 35)$9.34m
Floor1/FFLAT B1 (NO. 29)$6.63mFLAT B2 (NO. 31)FLAT B3 (NO. 33)FLAT B4 (NO. 35)FLAT B5 (NO. 29A)FLAT B6 (NO. 31A)$6.35mFLAT B7 (NO. 33A)FLAT B8 (NO. 35A)$6.63m
FloorM/FFLAT B1 (NO. 29)$6.63mFLAT B2 (NO. 31)FLAT B3 (NO. 33)FLAT B4 (NO. 35)FLAT B5 (NO. 29A)FLAT B6 (NO. 31A)FLAT B7 (NO. 33A)$7.19m

Median TrueHome Estimateâ„¢

Recent Sales in Building

UnitDateSale PriceSaleable Sqft$/Saleable Sqft
UnitDate09/2019Sale Price$6,400,000Saleable Sqft556$/Saleable Sqft$11,511
UnitDate09/2019Sale Price$6,400,000Saleable Sqft556$/Saleable Sqft$11,511
UnitDate09/2019Sale Price$5,880,000Saleable Sqft556$/Saleable Sqft$10,576
UnitDate07/2018Sale Price$4,500,000Saleable Sqft538$/Saleable Sqft$8,364
UnitDate07/2018Sale Price$4,500,000Saleable Sqft538$/Saleable Sqft$8,364
UnitDate04/2018Sale Price$5,750,000Saleable Sqft565$/Saleable Sqft$10,177
UnitDate04/2018Sale Price$5,750,000Saleable Sqft565$/Saleable Sqft$10,177
UnitDate02/2018Sale Price$5,800,000Saleable Sqft666$/Saleable Sqft$8,709
UnitDate02/2018Sale Price$5,800,000Saleable Sqft666$/Saleable Sqft$8,709
UnitDate10/2017Sale Price$4,930,000Saleable Sqft532$/Saleable Sqft$9,267
UnitDate10/2017Sale Price$4,930,000Saleable Sqft532$/Saleable Sqft$9,267
UnitDate08/2017Sale Price$5,340,000Saleable Sqft556$/Saleable Sqft$9,604
UnitDate08/2017Sale Price$5,338,000Saleable Sqft556$/Saleable Sqft$9,601
UnitDate12/2016Sale Price$4,550,000Saleable Sqft538$/Saleable Sqft$8,457
UnitDate12/2016Sale Price$4,550,000Saleable Sqft538$/Saleable Sqft$8,457
UnitDate11/2016Sale Price$5,480,000Saleable Sqft666$/Saleable Sqft$8,228
UnitDate11/2016Sale Price$5,480,000Saleable Sqft666$/Saleable Sqft$8,228
UnitDate03/2016Sale Price$5,600,000Saleable Sqft642$/Saleable Sqft$8,723
UnitDate03/2016Sale Price$5,600,000Saleable Sqft642$/Saleable Sqft$8,723
UnitDate09/2015Sale Price$4,980,000Saleable Sqft532$/Saleable Sqft$9,361
UnitDate08/2015Sale Price$4,810,000Saleable Sqft532$/Saleable Sqft$9,041
UnitDate07/2015Sale Price$3,900,000Saleable Sqft556$/Saleable Sqft$7,014
UnitDate06/2015Sale Price$3,500,000Saleable Sqft363$/Saleable Sqft$9,642
UnitDate03/2015Sale Price$4,750,000Saleable Sqft556$/Saleable Sqft$8,543
UnitDate08/2014Sale Price$4,180,000Saleable Sqft565$/Saleable Sqft$7,398
UnitDate07/2014Sale Price$4,230,000Saleable Sqft556$/Saleable Sqft$7,608
UnitDate05/2014Sale Price$4,030,000Saleable Sqft556$/Saleable Sqft$7,248
UnitDate03/2013Sale Price$4,050,000Saleable Sqft642$/Saleable Sqft$6,308
UnitDate02/2013Sale Price$3,000,000Saleable Sqft363$/Saleable Sqft$8,264
UnitDate02/2013Sale Price$3,340,000Saleable Sqft538$/Saleable Sqft$6,208
UnitDate10/2012Sale Price$2,430,000Saleable Sqft363$/Saleable Sqft$6,694
UnitDate09/2012Sale Price$3,020,000Saleable Sqft439$/Saleable Sqft$6,879
UnitDate01/2012Sale Price$2,800,000Saleable Sqft532$/Saleable Sqft$5,263
UnitDate12/2011Sale Price$3,300,000Saleable Sqft556$/Saleable Sqft$5,935
UnitDate06/2011Sale Price$2,980,000Saleable Sqft556$/Saleable Sqft$5,360
UnitDate05/2011Sale Price$2,800,000Saleable Sqft497$/Saleable Sqft$5,634
UnitDate05/2011Sale Price$3,180,000Saleable Sqft556$/Saleable Sqft$5,719
UnitDate12/2010Sale Price$1,920,000Saleable Sqft363$/Saleable Sqft$5,289
UnitDate12/2010Sale Price$2,500,000Saleable Sqft556$/Saleable Sqft$4,496
UnitDate11/2010Sale Price$2,700,000Saleable Sqft556$/Saleable Sqft$4,856
UnitDate11/2010Sale Price$2,730,000Saleable Sqft556$/Saleable Sqft$4,910
UnitDate10/2010Sale Price$2,680,000Saleable Sqft556$/Saleable Sqft$4,820
UnitDate09/2010Sale Price$2,000,000Saleable Sqft439$/Saleable Sqft$4,556
UnitDate08/2010Sale Price$1,950,000Saleable Sqft626$/Saleable Sqft$3,115
UnitDate07/2010Sale Price$2,550,000Saleable Sqft666$/Saleable Sqft$3,829
UnitDate06/2010Sale Price$1,800,000Saleable Sqft538$/Saleable Sqft$3,346
UnitDate05/2010Sale Price$2,000,000Saleable Sqft556$/Saleable Sqft$3,597
UnitDate04/2010Sale Price$2,150,000Saleable Sqft556$/Saleable Sqft$3,867
UnitDate02/2010Sale Price$2,200,000Saleable Sqft556$/Saleable Sqft$3,957
UnitDate10/2009Sale Price$2,000,000Saleable Sqft666$/Saleable Sqft$3,003

Made with in Hong Kong by Joe & Guy.