79-81 Kai Tak Road

79-81 Kai Tak Road, Kowloon City

The Building

Median Sale: 420 sqft

Median Gross: 500 sqft

Floors: 5

Units In Building: 13

Built: 09/1969

Estimate/Sale Sq ft: $10,932

Group 14

TrueHome Estimate for All Units

FloorNO. 79NO. 79ANO. 81
Floor4/FNO. 79$4.89mNO. 79ANO. 81$4.45m
Floor3/FNO. 79$4.88mNO. 79A$4.51mNO. 81$4.45m
Floor2/FNO. 79$4.54m

Median TrueHome Estimateā„¢

Recent Sales in Building

UnitDateSale PriceSaleable Sqft$/Saleable Sqft
UnitDate03/2019Sale Price$5,000,000Saleable Sqft464$/Saleable Sqft$10,776
UnitDate05/2017Sale Price$3,100,000Saleable Sqft420$/Saleable Sqft$7,381
UnitDate05/2017Sale Price$3,100,000Saleable Sqft420$/Saleable Sqft$7,381
UnitDate05/2016Sale Price$3,250,000Saleable Sqft412$/Saleable Sqft$7,888
UnitDate05/2016Sale Price$3,250,000Saleable Sqft412$/Saleable Sqft$7,888
UnitDate03/2006Sale Price$810,000Saleable Sqft464$/Saleable Sqft$1,746
UnitDate05/2005Sale Price$700,000Saleable Sqft464$/Saleable Sqft$1,509
UnitDate09/2004Sale Price$550,000Saleable Sqft-$/Saleable Sqft-
UnitDate06/2001Sale Price$650,000Saleable Sqft420$/Saleable Sqft$1,548

Made with in Hong Kong by Joe & Guy.