77 Fung Tak Road

77 Fung Tak Road, Tsz Wan Shan

The Building

Median Sale: 464 sqft

Median Gross: -

Floors: 5

Units In Building: 15

Built: 07/1971

Estimate/Sale Sq ft: $11,053

Group 14

TrueHome Estimate for All Units

Floor5/FFLAT 1$5.21mFLAT 2$5.18mFLAT 3$4.28m
Floor4/FFLAT 1$4.29m
Floor3/FFLAT 1$5.27mFLAT 2$5.17m
Floor2/FFLAT 1$5.27m
Floor1/FFLAT 1$5.19m

Median TrueHome Estimateā„¢

Recent Sales in Building

UnitDateSale PriceSaleable Sqft$/Saleable Sqft
UnitDate03/2017Sale Price$2,800,000Saleable Sqft390$/Saleable Sqft$7,179
UnitDate03/2017Sale Price$2,800,000Saleable Sqft390$/Saleable Sqft$7,179
UnitDate03/2016Sale Price$2,600,000Saleable Sqft390$/Saleable Sqft$6,667
UnitDate03/2016Sale Price$2,600,000Saleable Sqft390$/Saleable Sqft$6,667
UnitDate11/2015Sale Price$2,930,000Saleable Sqft477$/Saleable Sqft$6,143
UnitDate11/2015Sale Price$3,200,000Saleable Sqft477$/Saleable Sqft$6,709
UnitDate04/2015Sale Price$3,000,000Saleable Sqft464$/Saleable Sqft$6,466
UnitDate07/2007Sale Price$750,000Saleable Sqft477$/Saleable Sqft$1,572
UnitDate05/2007Sale Price$600,000Saleable Sqft464$/Saleable Sqft$1,293
UnitDate02/1997Sale Price$1,370,000Saleable Sqft464$/Saleable Sqft$2,953

Made with in Hong Kong by Joe & Guy.