5-5a Wong Nai Chung Road

5-5a Wong Nai Chung Road, Happy Valley

The Building

Median Sale: 740 sqft

Median Gross: 1,100 sqft

Floors: 6

Units In Building: 11

Built: 11/1956

Estimate/Sale Sq ft: $22,338

Group 14

TrueHome Estimate for All Units

FloorNO. 5NO. 5A
Floor5/FNO. 5$13.33m
Floor4/FNO. 5$16.53mNO. 5A$9.87m
Floor3/FNO. 5$16.53m
Floor2/FNO. 5$16.58mNO. 5A$9.87m
Floor1/FNO. 5$16.58m

Median TrueHome Estimateā„¢

Recent Sales in Building

UnitDateSale PriceSaleable Sqft$/Saleable Sqft
UnitDate06/2018Sale Price$8,250,000Saleable Sqft605$/Saleable Sqft$13,636
UnitDate05/2008Sale Price$3,400,000Saleable Sqft605$/Saleable Sqft$5,620
UnitDate09/2006Sale Price$4,600,000Saleable Sqft953$/Saleable Sqft$4,827
UnitDate07/2006Sale Price$4,900,000Saleable Sqft744$/Saleable Sqft$6,586
UnitDate08/2003Sale Price$1,700,000Saleable Sqft953$/Saleable Sqft$1,784
UnitDate08/2000Sale Price$1,370,000Saleable Sqft605$/Saleable Sqft$2,264
UnitDate01/2000Sale Price$2,600,000Saleable Sqft953$/Saleable Sqft$2,728
UnitDate07/1997Sale Price$3,750,000Saleable Sqft953$/Saleable Sqft$3,935

Made with in Hong Kong by Joe & Guy.