33 Village Terrace

33 Village Terrace, Happy Valley

The Building

Median Sale: 1,103 sqft

Median Gross: 1,200 sqft

Floors: 5

Units In Building: 5

Built: 07/1956

Estimate/Sale Sq ft: $23,692

Group 14

TrueHome Estimate for All Units

FloorNO. 33
Floor4/FNO. 33$25.45m
Floor2/FNO. 33$25.51m
Floor1/FNO. 33$25.35m

Median TrueHome Estimateā„¢

Recent Sales in Building

UnitDateSale PriceSaleable Sqft$/Saleable Sqft
UnitDate03/2020Sale Price$15,300,000Saleable Sqft1,103$/Saleable Sqft$13,871
UnitDate12/2009Sale Price$8,300,000Saleable Sqft1,103$/Saleable Sqft$7,525
UnitDate12/1996Sale Price$4,500,000Saleable Sqft-$/Saleable Sqft-
UnitDate11/1996Sale Price$3,800,000Saleable Sqft-$/Saleable Sqft-

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