22 Ventris Road

22 Ventris Road, Happy Valley

The Building

Median Sale: 436 sqft

Median Gross: 580 sqft

Floors: 5

Units In Building: 10

Built: 11/1970

Estimate/Sale Sq ft: $17,613

Group 14

TrueHome Estimate for All Units

FloorFLAT A (NO. 22)FLAT B (NO. 22A)
Floor5/FFLAT A (NO. 22)$7.76m
Floor4/FFLAT A (NO. 22)$7.76m
Floor3/FFLAT A (NO. 22)$7.71mFLAT B (NO. 22A)$7.71m
Floor2/FFLAT A (NO. 22)$7.79m
Floor1/FFLAT A (NO. 22)$7.87m

Median TrueHome Estimateā„¢

Recent Sales in Building

UnitDateSale PriceSaleable Sqft$/Saleable Sqft
UnitDate11/2019Sale Price$7,280,000Saleable Sqft436$/Saleable Sqft$16,697
UnitDate09/2019Sale Price$6,800,000Saleable Sqft436$/Saleable Sqft$15,596
UnitDate01/2019Sale Price$7,500,000Saleable Sqft436$/Saleable Sqft$17,202
UnitDate07/2018Sale Price$7,500,000Saleable Sqft436$/Saleable Sqft$17,202
UnitDate07/2018Sale Price$7,500,000Saleable Sqft436$/Saleable Sqft$17,202
UnitDate12/2015Sale Price$6,700,000Saleable Sqft436$/Saleable Sqft$15,367
UnitDate12/2015Sale Price$6,700,000Saleable Sqft436$/Saleable Sqft$15,367
UnitDate07/2011Sale Price$5,700,000Saleable Sqft436$/Saleable Sqft$13,073
UnitDate11/2009Sale Price$3,540,000Saleable Sqft436$/Saleable Sqft$8,119
UnitDate11/2009Sale Price$3,400,000Saleable Sqft436$/Saleable Sqft$7,798
UnitDate08/2009Sale Price$3,200,000Saleable Sqft436$/Saleable Sqft$7,339
UnitDate08/2009Sale Price$3,260,000Saleable Sqft436$/Saleable Sqft$7,477
UnitDate06/2008Sale Price$3,700,000Saleable Sqft436$/Saleable Sqft$8,486

Made with in Hong Kong by Joe & Guy.