17 Ferry Street

17 Ferry Street, Yau Ma Tei

The Building

Median Sale: 592 sqft

Median Gross: -

Floors: 3

Units In Building: 3

Built: 11/1952

Estimate/Sale Sq ft: -

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Recent Sales in Building

UnitDateSale PriceSaleable Sqft$/Saleable Sqft
UnitDate10/2013Sale Price$4,600,000Saleable Sqft592$/Saleable Sqft$7,770
UnitDate02/2013Sale Price$4,250,000Saleable Sqft592$/Saleable Sqft$7,179
UnitDate07/2011Sale Price$3,560,000Saleable Sqft592$/Saleable Sqft$6,014
UnitDate06/2005Sale Price$700,000Saleable Sqft592$/Saleable Sqft$1,182
UnitDate08/1998Sale Price$800,000Saleable Sqft592$/Saleable Sqft$1,351
UnitDate08/1995Sale Price$710,000Saleable Sqft592$/Saleable Sqft$1,199

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